Photo: Linn Heidi Stokkedal
Guitarist Stephan Meidell is a synthesist – a musical adventurer who unites styles and idioms through improvisational gestures and refined design. His paradoxical music exists where genres dissolve into fragments that can be picked apart and combined in new ways.
Meidell engages with sounds from electronic, acoustic, and electromechanical instruments and machines and then recontextualizes them in new and surprising ways. He owes much to contemporary minimalist traditions, early electronic music explorations, 60s modal jazz, and experimental techno. He has released numerous albums and has written commissions for dance, theater, and audiovisual collaborations.
“I doubt most listeners would be able to identify what inspired Meidell, but the album's detailed sound field, gossamer-fine textures, and sensitive interplay add up to a refreshing reflection on the legacy of the Baroque era.” Peter Margasak (Chicago Reader on “Metrics”)
"It’s impeccably polished and exemplary for its type, or it would be if it was easy to work out which type to pigeonhole it in.” Stuart Bruce (Chain D.L.K. on “Metrics”)
“Eine besondere Zeit- und Soundreise, die immer spannend bleibt, sehr gut und fein gebaut ist und nach knapp 40 Minuten Lust macht, sie gleich noch einmal zu unternehmen.” (Freistil on “Metrics”)
”Metrics ist ein äußerst ungewöhnliches, spannendes und starkes Album geworden.” Wolfgang Kabsch ( on “Metrics”)
“Bold, weird but ultimately arresting in its strange beauty.” - Eyal Hareuveni ( on “Cascades”)